What people are saying.

  • “Susan is one of the most generous people I know, sharing her vast network of connections around the world to bring people together, support people's careers and purposes, businesses and endeavors. She is strategic and agile, quickly grasping the intention and vision, a systems thinker who connects dots and sees the levers and roadmaps, and an operator, with an eye to execution and excellence in all she does.”

    — Hannah Jones, CEO, The Earthshot Prize

  • “There are connectors, and there are CONNECTORS. Susan's deep, incisive understanding of what will yield a productive partnership is her hallmark.”

    — Kimberly Barta, CMO, Group 1 Automotive

  • “Susan is incredibly smart, hardworking and fun. But what really makes her unique is her singular ability to make connections — between people, brands, influencers and ideas. It's genius. And it makes things happen…”

    — Suzy Korb, Former CMO Tom’s

  • "Susan is a natural creator of meaningful business and personal connections. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of watching her ably flex between securing executive roles for senior entrepreneurs in the aerospace and consulting sectors, to recruiting unique candidates for niche leadership positions who have driven tangible results in their new roles. Prior to her executive search career, I’ve seen her drive lucrative partnerships for major brands in fashion, sport, and CPG. She is direct, compassionate, and a very real human being with the personal charisma and finesse to build trusting relationships at every level. Susan is a pleasure to work with.”

    – Emily Hruby Halpern, Solutions Director, HH Global