Career Services.

Most job seekers don’t know how to market themselves. Many successful executives have never struggled to obtain their next great role and have been headhunted from one senior role to the next. It can be jarring to feel like you are sending your resume into the abyss and getting no response.

If you’re a seasoned executive who hasn’t been in the market for some years, the language used, and position descriptions themselves can read very differently. Learning how to position yourself for a senior level position can take time and effort. If you’ve neglected nurturing your network, now is the time to learn how to reinvigorate it and reconnect.

At Sandymount Search, we bring decades of experience with world class brands and businesses, start ups, PE-owned portfolio firms and can help you craft your career narrative.

Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn presence and create a recruiter-ready resume that is ATS optimized.


Learn how to position your skills and experience for success. Understand how to format and share your resume and if cover letters matter. We will also provide you with tools to better manage and organize your job search. Need help with writing and editing? We can do that too.

Resume + LinkedIn review

$150 – 60min session

If you’re launching a career move or you are in the midst of a job search, we’ll review your existing resume and LinkedIn profile. You’ll get feedback from an experienced recruiter and executive search consultant who will give you actionable feedback on your profile.

  • A review of your existing resume and LinkedIn profile

    Feedback on headlines, job titles, About section and prior employment position descriptions

    Keyword optimization

    Actionable tips on how to make you stand out as an exceptional candidate to recruiters and talent acquisition specialists


$150 – 60min session

Crafting the right resume takes time and effort. We’ll help you create your career narrative and work with you to craft a recruiter-optimized resume. We’ll also help you design a resume that is ATS optimized.

  • From our decades of experience in business, to training in psychology and career coaching, we work with you to better understand the challenges you face and help you find a path forward.

counseling / coaching

$280 – 2 X 60min sessions

Thinking about your next move? Need to make a pivot? Laid off and not sure what to do next? We’ll help you with actionable insights that will help you find your path.

  • Working together, we dive into your professional experience and create a compelling career narrative

    Two work sessions on Zoom where we craft and edit a resume that utilizes the right keywords and language that hiring managers are using today

Derek H.

“To put it in simply, Susan was a professional lifeline when I needed it most. In the midst of job searching, it can often be challenging to get the attention of a professional who can point you in the right direction and offer actionable feedback. I had more specific feedback to work on than I had received since being laid-off. Because of Susan, I completely overhauled my LinkedIn, sharpened the detail and presentation of my resume, and restructured my strategy for what job searching should look like.”

Amanda Z.

“Mentor, negotiator, networker, facilitator…I cannot say enough about how much I enjoyed working with Susan. She worked closely with me throughout the entire recruiting, interview, and hiring process. She was there when I needed a sounding board and kept me grounded throughout the entire process (which can be daunting at times). Susan has a killer gut instinct on finding the right talent fit and is relentless in her efforts. I landed an amazing role during an economic downturn and could not have done it without her.”


There is no such thing as job security. But you can build a secure career. Reach out to us and start your journey today.